The "--in-process-plugins" option does not prevent Chrome from creating applications shortcuts on . File name: activex-shim ActiveX Plug-in provides a chrome plugin activex shim shim to support .
Uncheck Active X Filtering. Internet Explorer 8 Requires "Windows Media 6.4 Player Shim" add-on . will not prompt you of missing Java plugin; Chrome
. and Safari, Google Chrome makes use of the Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface (NPAPI). You can find more information in the below reference. Chee: Re: Activex-shim .
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For instance, while Google has successfully implemented an ActiveX shim plugin in Chrome, Chris Wilson (Platform Architect of the Internet Explorer Platform team) declared (here on .
Enter about:plugins on the address bar, it will list the plug-ins that are available in Google Chrome. Here's a list: ActiveX Plug-in - ActiveX Plug-in provides a
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List of Google Chrome Plugins displayed by default: ActiveX Plug-in: ActiveX Plug-in provides a shim to support ActiveX controls; Google Gears These are the Gears that power .
Google Chrome; Safari; Konqueror; WebOS Isis browser; Mozilla project applications . control implemented within a "plugin.ocx" file that acted as a shim between ActiveX and the NPAPI plugin.
http://www.google.com/chrome/intl/en/we . ml#activex But there is a plugin: http://google-chrome.com . Why install an active-x shim with Chrome if Active-X wasn't supported.
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